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Workforce analytics...more than a HRIS or fancy dashboards

The real measure of success for any workforce analytics capabilities in any organization is where the organization has enough confidence in the issues identified in the analyses to make business decisions (even directional ones) based on them. Many organizations invest in a HRIS and/or a fancy dashboard software and proudly proclaimed that workforce analytics has "arrived". It takes more than some hardware to build a sustainable workforce analytics culture.

FYT recognize that a HRIS as well as data visualization software are good tools to have to facilitate workforce analytics; however, by themselves, they may not be enough for an organization to realize the potential that workforce analytics has to offer nor the ROI behind such investments.

While HRIS and data visualization software provide the hardware and horsepower behind the analyses; there is a significant number of less tangible issues to consider as well:

  • Demonstrating a meaningful and quantifiable link between people issues and business outcomes

  • While most senior management will say they believe in the link, not many would bet their businessed on it. Can you make a strong enouh case to senior leadership? Having leadership support for workforce analytics is crucial to its sustianability.

  • Widespread awareness and ownership of business relevant poeple metrics

  • Due to the issue of employee confidentiality as well as internal politics, HR metrics are usually sensitive and well guarded by HR. And it is for these same reasons, that many organizations do not take as much ownership as they should/could for people issues in the organizations

  • With the sophistication in today's HRIS and data visualization software, the ability to share HR metrics across an organization without compromising employee confidentiality is possible

  • Discussing organizational people issues with a common vocabulary

  • Funcitons across an organization communicate with a common volcabulary, usually based on financial and P&L terms. However, when it comes to people issues, functions outside of HR lack a common understanding of HR metrics, what it means, or even what HR metrics are available

  • Having a simple framework and vocabulary can go a long way to facilitate an objective discussion on quantifiable people issues in workforce analytics

While the above list is not exhaustive, these are a good place to start to setup the right conditions for workforce analytics to take root in your organization. Contact FYT Consulting to learn more.

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