Are you finding it challenging to translate data into actionable insights that drive business success?
It's frustrating when you have access to data but struggle to extract meaningful insights that inform strategic decisions and drive measurable results.
Our practical data analytics training equips you with the skills to not only analyze data but also interpret it in a business context, enabling you to uncover hidden opportunities, mitigate risks, and drive sustainable growth for your organization.
The FYT Difference

It takes more both hard & soft data skills for sustainable capabilities. FYTs currciulum spans the entire analytics value chain and focuses on the transferable skills and less on platforms which come and go

FYT is not tied nor married to any specific data or tech platform; allowing us to provide objective advice on data and technology. Sometimes the right solution is not the most expensive one

FYT consultants bring their significant data skills and business and acumen to the fore in every engagement; thus being able to provide impacful advice and solutions that work

Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know without asking
I don't have any background in data, math or coding; can FYT help someone like me?
Contrary to popular belief, data skills starts with the thought process & ends with influencing skills. Even without the hard data skills, FYT can help you carve a niche along the data value chain that keeps you relevant in the industry though our comprehenisve yet modular curriculum.
I don't have access to popular data tools, can I still benefit from FYTs workshops?
Most of FYTs workshops are conducted using the most popular analytics tool in the world - MS Excel. It helps students better appreciate data concepts and pick up associated data skills; from which the knowledge is more easily transferred to other platforms.
I need to build practical skills, not just a conceptual understanding. How can FYT help?
Adults learn best through application and practice. FYTs workshops are designed to be 50% theory and 50% practical application. This allows our students to build muscle memory for data skills that they can readily and quickly apply back at work.
While the workshops are helpful, but my organization needs more specific help. Can FYT help?
At FYT workshops are designed to teach students to fish. But in some cases the fish may be too big to swallow. FYT has capabilities to develop data solutions customized and contextualized to clients's needs using the very same principles taught in our curriculum.