Building an Analytics Culture in the Singapore Public Service

Interest in analytics has been growing in leaps and bounds globally in recent years. With more and more stories of how other organizations have successfully leveraged analytics towards improved performance, many are jumping on the bandwagon by investing in analytics related technology and talent. However, many continue to struggle with their analytics programmes even after some major investments. In FYTs experience, many analytics programmes struggle due to a failure to consider the organization's cultural readiness for analytics.
FYT recently delivered a one day workshop on building an analytics culture to senior leaders in the Singapore Public Service. In this very interactive session, attendees explored the defining the traits that an analytics culture should have (and should not have), the various stages of maturity and what tactics to deploy at various stages of maturity. Needless to say, it gave attendees a lot to think about and a lot more to take back to their respective agencies for action. Contact FYT to find out more about the workshop.